Each community organizing or reorganizing pursuant to this tribal law shall have incorporated, as a minimum, the following pertinent Articles and Sections.


Each community established under the constitution shall elect, annually, a president and such other officers as may be advisable.

Section 1.

We, the enrolled members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, a tribe of the Oceti Sakowin Nation, in order to establish a united community organization to promote the health, education, tranquility, and economic interest of our community members do hereby ordain this governing document.

Section 2.

This community organization shall be known as (community name) Community and shall comply with all provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in the development of (community name) Community.

Section 3.

Members of the community council shall be defined by community resolution.

Section 4.

The community president and other community officers shall be elected pursuant to the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Election.

Section 5.

The community president shall call and preside over popular meetings of the community and perform other duties as may be delegated to him by the (community name) community council; provided the community council may establish duties for other officers of the community organization by community resolution.

Section 6.

The (community name) community council shall by majority vote remove any of its community officers for neglect of duty or gross misconduct after due notice of charges and an opportunity to be heard; provided the community council shall define neglect of duty or gross misconduct by community resolution.

Section 7.

Each community officer-elect shall take an oath of office prior to assuming their duties.


The president shall call and preside over popular meetings of the community whenever necessary for the consideration of matters of local interest.

Section 1.

The community council shall promulgate rules as are necessary for transacting and conducting business of the community.


The various communities may consult with representatives of the interior department on all matters of local interest and make recommendations thereon to the tribal council or the superintendent or commissioners of Indian affairs.

Section 1.

All community resolutions on matters of local interest, or community resolutions with recommendations to the Tribal Council, Superintendent, or the Commissioner of Indian Affairs shall be approved by a majority vote of the community council.

Section 2.

Community councils, by community resolution, shall establish such committees, commissions, or boards as they may deem necessary.


May undertake and manage local enterprises for the benefit of the community. (Reserved)


May levy assessments upon members of the community. (Reserved)


May expend moneys in the community treasury for the benefit of the community.

Section 1.

No debt shall be contracted by or in behalf of the (community name) Community unless such debt shall be authorized in accordance for projects or objects specified in the community.

Section 2.

The community council shall submit a budget estimate for the fiscal year setting forth all proposed expenditures and anticipated income of the community.

Section 3.

No money shall be withdrawn from the community treasury except as provided in the community budget.


May keep a roll of those members of the Tribe affiliated with the community.

Section 1.

Membership of the (community name) Community shall consist of all persons who are members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, affiliated with said community organization.


May exercise such further powers as may be delegated to the communities by the Tribal Council.

Section 1.

Each community organization shall specify each enumerated power pursuant to Article IV for delegation to the community organization by a duly approved community resolution, provided the governing body of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe shall approve or disapprove any delegation of power.


The actions of the community councils shall not be inconsistent with the constitution, by-laws, and ordinances of the tribe.

Section 1.

The governing body of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe shall have, under the right of review, the authority to retrocede any enumerated power so delegated if a community council is in violation of the Constitution of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.

Rosebud Sioux Trabe logo.

Downloadable Forms

Seach for available forms on the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Court document manager. This includes Constitutional Amendments, Motions, ProSe forms, etc.

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