This Chapter does not apply

  1. To a security interest which is subject to any statute of the United States, to the extent that such statute governs the rights of parties to and third parties affected by, transactions in particular types of property; or
  2. To a landlord’s lien; or
  3. To a lien given by statute or other rule of law for services or materials except as provided in Section 310 on priority of such liens; or
  4. To a transfer of a claim for wages, salary or other compensation of an employee; or
  5. To a transfer by a government or governmental subdivision or agency; or
  6. To a sale of accounts, contract rights or chattel paper sold as part of a sale of the business out of which they arose, or an assignment of accounts, contract rights or chattel paper which is for purpose of collection only, or to a transfer of a contract right to an assignee who is also to do the performance under the contract; or
  7. To a transfer of an interest or claim in or under any policy of insurance, except as provided with respect to proceeds (Section 306) and priorities (Section 312); or
  8. To as right represented by a judgment (other than a judgment taken on a right to payment which was collateral); or
  9. To any right of setoff; or
  10. Except to the extent that provision is made for fixtures in Section 313, to the creation or transfer of an interest in or lien on real estate, including a lease or rents thereunder; or
  11. To a transfer in whole or in part of any claim arising out of tort; or
  12. To a transfer of an interest in any deposit account (Subsection (1) of Section 105), except as provided with respect to proceeds (Section 306) and priorities in proceeds (Section 312); or
  13. To an equipment trust covering railway rolling stock.
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