Goods are

  1. “Consumer goods” if they are used or brought for use primarily for personal, family or household purposes;
  2. “Equipment” if they are used or brought for use primarily in business (including farming or a profession) or by a debtor who is a non-profit organization or a governmental subdivision or agency or if the goods are not included in the definitions of inventory, farm products or consumer goods;
  3. “Farm Products” if they are crops, or livestock, or supplies used or produced in farming operations, or if they are products of crops or livestock in their unmanufactured states (such as ginned cotton, woolclip, maple syrup, milk and eggs) and if they are in the possession of a debtor engaged in raising, fattening, grazing or other farming operations. If goods are farm products they are neither equipment nor inventory.
  4. “Inventory” if they are held by a person who holds them for sale or lease or to be furnished under contracts of service or if he has so furnished them, or if they are raw materials, work in process or materials used for consumed in a business. The inventory of a person is not be classified as his equipment.
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