1. Any person desiring to transfer shares in a transaction which is prohibited by Section 117 (a) and is not exempt under Section 117 (b) shall obtain a written offer from a third party who meets the requirements in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection to purchase such shares for cash and shall deliver written notice of the third party offer to the corporation’s registered office stating the number and kind of shares, the offering price, the other terms of the offer, and the name and address of the third party offeror. No transfer shall be made to a third party unless:
    1. The third party is eligible to become a qualified shareholder under the provisions of any federal, state or Tribal tax statute that the corporation has elected to be subject to and the third party shall agree in writing not to take any action to terminate the election without the approval of the remaining shareholders;
    2. The transfer to the third party will not result in the imposition of the personal holding company tax or any similar Tribal, state or federal penalty tax on the corporation.
  2. The notice specified in subsection (a) shall constitute an offer to sell the shares to the corporation on the terms of the third party offer. Within 20 days after the corporation receives the notice, the corporation shall call a special meeting of shareholders, which shall be held not more than 40 days after the call, for the purpose of determining whether to purchase all (but not less than all) of the offered shares. Approval of action to purchase shall be by affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote excluding the offered shares. With the consent of all the shareholders entitled to vote for the approval, the corporation may allocate some or all of the shares to one or more shareholders or to other persons, but if the corporation has more than one class of shares, the remaining holders of the class of shares being offered for sale shall have a first option to purchase the shares that are not purchased by the corporation, in proportion to their shareholdings or in such proportion as shall be agreeable to those desiring to participate in the purchase.
  3. Written notice of the acceptance of the shareholder’s offer shall be delivered or sent to the offering shareholder at the address specified in his notice to the corporation, or in the absence of any specification, at his last known address as reflected in the records of the corporation, within 75 days after receipt of the shareholder’s offer. Notice sent by U.S. mail shall be timely if it is deposited in the mail prior to midnight of the 75th day following the date the offer from the shareholder was received by the corporation. If the notice contains terms of purchase different from those contained in the shareholder’s notice, the different terms shall be deemed a counter offer and unless the shareholder wishing to transfer his stock accepts in writing the counter offer, or the shareholder and the purchaser(s) otherwise resolve by written agreement the differences between the offer and counter offer within 15 days of receipt by the shareholder of the notice of acceptance, the notice containing the counter offer shall be ineffective as an acceptance.
  4. If a contract to sell is created under subsection (c), the shareholder shall make delivery of all the certificates for the stock so sold, duly endorsed, within 20 days of receipt of the notice of acceptance, or in the case of uncertificated securities, shall within the 20 day period or deliver to the corporation the required instruction requesting that the transfer be made. Breach of any of the terms of the contract shall entitle the non-breaching party to any remedy at law or equity allowed for breach of a contract, including, without limitation, specific performance.
  5. If the offer to sell is not accepted pursuant to subsection (c) and (d), the shareholder shall be entitled to transfer to the third party offeror all (but not less than all) of the offered shares within 120 days after delivery of the shareholder’s notice specified in subsection (c) in accordance with the terms specified in the shareholder’s notice.
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