1. At any time after dissolution is authorized, the corporation may dissolve by delivering to the Director of Corporation for filing articles of dissolution setting forth:
    1. The name of the corporation;
    2. The date dissolution was authorized;
    3. If dissolution was approved by the shareholders:
      1. the number of votes cast for and against dissolution or the total number of undisputed votes cast for dissolution and a statement that the number cast for dissolution was sufficient for approval.
      2. either the total number of votes cast for and against dissolution or the total number of undisputed votes cast for dissolution and a statement that the number cast for dissolution was sufficient for approval.
    4. If voting groups was required, the information required by subparagraph (3) must be separately provided for each voting group entitled to vote separately on the plan to dissolve.
    5. If the dissolution resulted from the exercise of an option to dissolve authorized by Section 156 a copy of the notice required by that section shall be attached.
  2. A corporation is dissolved upon the effective date of its articles of dissolution.
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