1. Whenever it is brought to the attention of the Tribal Revenue Department that any person is in non-compliance with any condition of license the Director may,
    1. Serve upon such person or any agent of such person an order to show cause why this license should not be revoked;
    2. Bring an action in Tribal Court for an order to institute a monetary penalty in accordance with §16-1-302;
    3. Bring an action in Tribal Court for an order to show cause why an injunction should not be issued.
  2. Whenever it is brought to the attention of the Tribal Revenue Department that any person has failed to obtain a license within the time requirements of this Chapter, the Directors may,
    1. Serve upon such person or any agent of such person and order to show cause why a monetary penalty should not be imposed in accordance with §16-1-302;
    2. Bring an action in Tribal Court for an order to show cause why he should not be enjoined from doing business on the Reservation without a license.
  3. Such notice shall state the reasons for the order, the time and place for the show cause hearing before the Tribal Court, and that the person shall have an opportunity to present testimony and cross examine opposing witnesses and to present any other evidence which he should deem appropriate as to why a revocation order or an injunction should not be issued. The hearing shall be set for a time not exceeding 14 days and not less than 10 days from the date of notice. The hearing shall be governed in all respects in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Tribal Court.
  4. In the event it is determined that any person’s non-compliance with the chapter is direct or immediate threat to the peace, safety, morals or general welfare of the residents of the Reservation, the Director shall issue a cease and desist order which shall be served upon the person or any agent of the person. The person shall cease and desist business immediately upon service of the order and may file a notice of appeal with Tribal Court within three days for an expedited appeal under Section 305 (3) of this chapter, or within 30 days for a regular appeal to Tribal Court under Section 305 (2) of this chapter.
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