Sale form vehicle prohibited. No retailer shall sell fireworks from any motor vehicle.

Exits from structure where fireworks sold. All buildings or structure wherein fireworks are sold to retail shall have at least two separate door exits which shall be equipped with panic devices or kept unlocked at all times when fireworks are being offered for sale.

“No Smoking” signs where fireworks are sold. Signs must be prominently posted on all displays of fireworks offered for sale at retail, which shall read in red letters not less than three inches in height. “NO SMOKING WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE FEET.”

Minimum distance for igniting fireworks. In all buildings or structures wherein fireworks are being offered for sale the licensee shall have a sign prominently posted stating that no fireworks can be ignited or discharged within one hundred fifty feet of the licensee’s premises.

Open flames prohibited where fireworks sold. Fire extinguishing agent required. No licensee shall have on his premises any device, apparatus, receptacle or burner from which an open flame is emitted. Provided, further that every licensee shall in the conduct of his business of selling fireworks keep and maintain upon said premises a fire extinguisher agent for a Class A fire equivalent to two and one half gallons of water.

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