Sale or use prohibited within timber reserve and/or other designated area. No person shall sell or cause to be sold, discharge or cause to be discharged, any pyrotechnics of any description whatever within the exterior boundaries of the timber reserve or any land owned or leased by the department of game, fish and parks. However, the Director of Game, Fish and Parks may, by written authorization, permit pyrotechnic displays or exhibits on land owned or leased by the department unless otherwise prohibited by status.

Public displays permitted, local permit required. Nothing shall prohibit the use of public display of fireworks provided that any individual, group of individual, association, organization, city, town, county, firm, partnership or corporation, prior to making such public display for fireworks, shall first secure a written permit to do so from the Rosebud Sioux Tribe wherein said public displays is to be fired, and shall be purchased fireworks for such display from a licensed wholesaler.

Rosebud Sioux Trabe logo.

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Office | (605) 747-2278