1. The Commission may approve an application for a Planned Unit Development Zone only if it complies with § 18-18-103 and § 18-18-104. Further, in making its decision, it shall apply and provide written funding on the following criteria.
    1. Substantial conformance to this Title.
    2. The proposal’s harmony with the surrounding area, or its potential future use;
    3. The system of ownership and means of development, preserving and maintaining space;
    4. The adequacy of the size of the proposed Zone to accommodate the contemplated development; and
    5. The proposal’s achievement of the purposes of this Title.
  2. The Commission may grant, deny, or deny with conditions, any Planned Unit Development Zone application and may require binding commitments or posting of a bond to insure completion of the Planned Unit Development Project as approved.
  3. Approval of application for a Planned Unit Development Zone alters the zone covering the land in question. Upon approval, the new zoning designation shall thenceforth be: “Planned Unit Development Zone”.
  4. The Commission’s decision may be appealed pursuant to this Title.
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