1. Automobile Dismantling, Wrecking or Junk Yards. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from all but Commercial and Industrial Zones.
  2. Public Cemeteries. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from primary Agricultural Zones. However, family burial plots and burials conducted in the tradition of the Tribe shall be permitted within Primary Agricultural Zones.
  3. Charitable Institutions and Orphanages. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from Industrial Zones.
  4. Churches. Such uses must meet the following requirements:
    1. A church may exceed the height limit of the zone in which a church may propose to locate provided that the buildings are set back from all property lines at least one additional foot for each foot of excess height.
    2. The height of the spire, tower or similar feature of a church may exceed the height limit of the zone in which a church may propose to locate, provided that it is not intended for human occupancy and further provided that it is removed not less than 20 feet from any adjoining lot line.
  5. Crematories, Columbaria and Mausoleums. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from Residential Zones unless inside a cemetery.
  6. Drive-In Theaters, Race Tracks or Other Outdoor Commercial Amusements of a Permanent Nature involving Large Assembly of People. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from all zones except Commercial and Industrial Zones, and the following requirements must be met for mobile home sites containing more than three mobile homes:
    1. Access to such uses shall be from full width streets or roads;
    2. Parking areas shall be paved or surfaced to eliminate dust or mud; and
    3. Screens for an outdoor theater shall not be allowed to face the highway and shall be landscaped in such a manner as to screen them from the neighboring uses.
  7. Fertilizer Manufacturing Plants. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from all zones except Primary Agricultural and Industrial Zones.
  8. Fraternal Organizations, Lodges, Grange Halls, and Clubs.
  9. Hospitals, Sanitariums, Nursing Homes and Institutions and Philanthropic and Eleemosynary Uses, Other Than Correction.
  10. Livestock Feeding or Sales Yards. Such uses shall be excluded from all zones except Primary Agricultural and Industrial Zones.
  11. Mining, Including Quarrying, Mineral Extractions, Explorations, etc., Gasification Plants, Liquidification Plants, Steam Generation Plants, and any other coal conversion facility, slurry pipe lines. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from Residential Zones.
  12. Mobile Home Parks. The following minimum requirements must be met:
    1. Lot size of 10 acres with a maximum density of 10 spaces per gross acre.
    2. A greenbelt plant strip not less than 20 feet in width, shall be located along all lot lines of the park not bordering a street. Such greenbelt shall be composed of one row of deciduous and/or evergreen trees, spaced not more than 40 feet apart and not less than three rows of shrubs, spaced not more than eight feet apart and which grow to a height of five feet or more after one full growing season and which shrubs will eventually grow to a height of not less than 12 feet
  13. Public Buildings. Such uses shall include governmental offices, police stations, fire stations, art galleries, museums, and liberties.
  14. Public Utilities. Such uses shall include public utilities and sewers or utilities operated by mutual agencies consisting of water wells, electrical substations, gas metering stations, telephone exchanges, power booster or conversion plants within the necessary buildings, apparatus or appurtenances thereto.
  15. Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations and Transmitters. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from Residential Zones.
  16. Rendering of Animal Fat, Bones, Meat Scraps, etc. Such uses shall be specifically excluded form all zones except Primary Agricultural and Industrial Zones.
  17. Sanitary Land Fill. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from Residential Zones.
  18. Schools. Such uses shall include private schools, kindergarten and nursery schools and institutions of higher learning. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from Industrial Zones.
  19. Sewage Disposal or Treatment Plants.
  20. Slaughter Houses or Meat Packing Plants. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from all zones except Primary Agricultural and Industrial Zones.
  21. Trailer Park, Court, Camps. Such uses shall be specifically excluded from Residential and Industrial Zones, and the following requirements must be met:
    1. Access to such use shall only be from major or secondary arterials;
    2. All requirements of the Indian Health Service shall be fulfilled; and
    3. All external boundaries abutting any Residential Zone shall be effectively sight screened by a view-obstructing fence or by a combination of fencing and landscaping.

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Office | (605) 747-2278