18-23-105. TERM OF VARIANCE.

  1. Variance Right Must be Exercised to be Effective. A variance granted under this Title shall be effective only when the exercise of the right granted thereunder shall be commenced within six months from the effective date of the grant, unless a longer period be specified or thereafter allowed by the Director or Commission. In case such right has not been exercised, or extension obtained, the variance shall be void. A written request for an extension of time filed with the Director at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the variance shall extend the running of the six month period until the Director has acted on such request.
  2. Cessation of Variances. Discontinuance of the exercise of any right authorized by any variance for a continuous period of six months shall be deemed an abandonment of such variance, and the property affected thereby shall be subject to all the provisions and regulations of this Title applicable to the zone in which such property is located at the time of such abandonment.
  3. Transfer of Variance. Any valid variance pursuant to this Title is transferable unless otherwise provided at the time of the granting of such variance.
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