1. Petition Requirement. A petition for a building permit shall provide, at the minimum, the legal description of the property involved and a description of the building activity for which the permit is sought.
  2. No Notice or Hearing Required. Within 10 days of receipt of a proper petition for a building permit, the Director shall grant such a permit if the proposed structure conforms to the requirements of this Title and other tribal law. If the Director fails to act upon the application within the 10-day period, the permit shall be deemed to be granted. No hearing shall be required.
  3. Effective Date; Publication. A building permit shall be effective upon its issuance. Upon issuance, all building permits shall be conspicuously posted in the Tribal Administration Building for at least one month after the date of issuance.
  4. Expiration of Building Permit. If the work or use described in any permit has not been substantially completed within two years of the date of issuance thereof such permit shall expire. Further work as described in the canceled permit shall not proceed unless and until the Director issues a new permit.
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Office | (605) 747-2278