Except as provided in this Title 18 or Title 19, in performance of his duties, the Director shall:

  1. Administer and enforce Titles 18 and 19;
  2. Administer the operations of the Rosebud Land Use and Environment Department, using funds budgeted by the Council;
  3. Submit a proposed annual budget to the Council;
  4. Supervise all employees of the Department pursuant to delegation of authority by the Commission;
  5. Review applications for and recommend Commission action upon the following:
    1. Land use permits,
    2. Zoning changes,
    3. Variances,
    4. Conditional use permits,
    5. Land division permits,
    6. Planned Unit Developments,
    7. Alteration or repair of nonconforming uses, and
    8. Such other permits as are required by Titles 18 and 19 as originally enacted or as amended, unless specifically provided therein, and except with respect to matters governed by Chapter 6 of Title 19 only, for which permits applications shall be reviewed and recommendations to the Commission shall be made by the Director of Water Resources.
  6. Provide clerical and administrative support to the Commission; and
  7. Take such actions as are prescribed in Titles 18 and 19 or the laws of the Tribe.
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Office | (605) 747-2278