18-1-107. PURPOSE.

The Council hereby declares it to be in the public interest that all uses of land, whether trust land or nontrust land, by enrolled tribal members and nonmembers be regulated as hereinafter provided in order:

  1. Encourage the most appropriate use of the land;
  2. Protect the sacred, cultural, social and economic stability of residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial, forest, wildlife, and environmentally sensitive lands, water resources, and other areas within the Rosebud Reservation, and to assure the orderly use of such areas;
  3. Prevent the menace to the public safety resulting from the improper location of buildings and land use;
  4. Facilitate the purpose and objectives of the Bylaws, Tribal Land Enterprise, Rosebud Indian Reservation; and
  5. Otherwise promote the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare in accordance with the treaty rights reserved by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
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