1. Separation of Materials. Solid waste disposal sites shall provide separate locations for the placement of certain materials not be places in the landfill pit, including trees or tree branches, car bodies, and large bulky metal goods (including “white goods” such as refrigerators, stoves, etc.), or other items identified as hazardous or otherwise unsuited for landfilling. Persons seeking to deposit such materials at landfills shall be required to separate such materials and place them in the identified locations.
  2. Physical Operation at Disposal Sites. All landfills must utilize procedures to meet these operating standards;
    1. Refuse shall be unloaded at the bottom of the open working face of the fills. This may be accomplished either by direction of supervisor personnel or by the placement of stationary or portable fencing.
    2. Deposited refuse shall be uniformly distributed and compacted in layers. A working face with a slope sufficient to permit thorough compaction shall be maintained.
    3. At the end of each working day, unless extreme weather conditions make operations infeasible, the open face of the landfill shall be covered with sufficient earth to control disease vectors and fire.
    4. At least two days worth of cover material shall be stockpiles at all times.
    5. When each portion of the landfill site has been completed, it shall be covered by at least twenty-four inches of compacted earth, which will support non-weedy plant growth and is free from cracks and extrusions of refuse. This final cover shall be leveled and shaped to provide proper runoff and drainage, and to prevent erosion or poundage and meet the design performance requirements of this Title.
    6. All landfills shall be operated to control litter at the unloading area and throughout the area within the site boundary through the use of fences, other litter control devices, and regular, at least bi-weekly, pickup. Disposal site operators shall also pick up site-generated litter beyond the site boundary if such occurs.
    7. All landfills must be operated to control dust, using sprayers or similar devices as necessary.
  3. Burning. Except as provided by this Title, no open burning may occur at a solid waste disposal site. Infrequent burning of trees or tree branches, agricultural wastes, or land clearing debris may occur if conducted away from the working fills in an area specially designated for that purpose and in a manner to prevent the spread of fire to any other area or materials.
  4. Access.
    1. All landfills must be provided with an all weather access road, suitable for travel by loaded vehicles.
    2. All landfills must be fenced and access must be provided only through one control entry point.
  5. Monitoring Programs. Each landfill shall operate a monitoring program designed and approved at the time the landfill is first approved for operation. The plan may, depending upon the circumstances as determined by the Director, include monitoring of ground water, surface water, methane gas and air quality. In all cases, ground water monitoring shall e required unless a qualified engineer or geologist certifies, based on reliable site-specific information, that there is no potential for contamination of a drinking water source outside the landfill boundary as designated by the code or extended by the Director. Test wells for ground water monitoring, where required, shall be cased, capped, and shall be at least four inches in diameter.
  6. Correction of Contamination. If surface or ground water contamination is discovered, the operator of the site, if not the Department, shall immediately notify the Director of Land Use and Environment. In all cases of discovery of surface or ground water contamination, whether the operator is the Land Use and Environment Department or another, the Director shall:
    1. Within 90 days, determine the cause and extent of the contamination; and
    2. Take steps necessary to correct the cause of the contamination and eliminate, insofar as practical, the contamination itself. If contamination of a drinking water source cannot practically be eliminated in the judgment of the Director, the operator shall provide an alternative drinking water supply to any person or persons then using the contaminated source. If no person is using the groundwater, the Director may specify such other remedial steps, and may take such other enforcement action, as he deems appropriate in the circumstances.
  7. Control of Liquids. Bulk or non-containerized liquids, or containers containing liquids, may not be disposed of at any landfill unless the liquids are household wastes or the containers are no longer than those commonly found in household use.
  8. Control of Hazardous Waste. All disposal site operators shall be trained to identify hazardous waste prohibited from disposal in any landfill. Each disposal site shall establish procedures, including periodic inspection procedures, to identify and exclude hazardous waste from the landfill.
  9. Safety. Landfills shall be designed and operated to insure the safety of persons depositing solid waste and landfill operation staff.
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