1. Application for Permit to Operate Collection System. If the Solid Waste Management Plan approved by the Commission allows private collection systems any person may apply to operate a solid waste collection system on part or all of the Reservation. An application for a collection system permit must include:
    1. A description of the collection territory proposed to be served, including the number of household, business, or other generators of solid waste within that territory.
    2. A list of those households, businesses, or other generators of solid waste that have already requested or agreed to be served by the applicant, and the price for service they agreed to pay.
    3. A financial description of the applicant, together with an analysis of the cost of the proposed collection service, the expected revenue from billings for the service, and expected rate of return for the activity.
    4. A description of the collection routes, timing, methods and equipment to be used and how the proposed system will comply with all the standards set forth in this Title.
    5. Designation of the disposal site proposed to be used for waste collected.
  2. Issuance of Permit to Operate Collection System. Within 30 days of receiving a complete permit application, the Land Use and Environment Commission shall either grant or deny a collection system permit. The Commission shall grant a permit only if it finds, on the basis of information contained in the application and otherwise available to it, that the proposed collection system will comply with the standards of this Title and that the applicant has demonstrated that the proposed system likely can sustain its operations financially. In issuing any permit, the Commission may design or condition the permit to accomplish the goals of this Title.
  3. Term of Permit to Operate Collection System. Permit terms shall be for not less than one nor more than three years. A collection system permit shall grant the permittee an exclusive right to collect waste within the territory or from the waste generators identified in the permit terms. No other permits shall be issued for similar territory or generators during the term of the first permit issued for that territory or those generators unless and until the permit expires or is revoked.
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