20-3-107. REMOVAL.

A Commissioner may be removed by the Council for serious inefficiency or neglect of duty or for malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance or for misconduct in office, but, except as provided below in this Section, only after a hearing before the Council, and only after the Commissioner has been given written notice of the specific charges at least ten days prior to such hearing. At any such hearing, the Commissioner shall have the opportunity to be heard in person or by counsel and to present witnesses on his behalf. If the Council determines that immediate removal of a Commissioner is necessary to protect the interests of the Tribe, the Commissioner may be temporarily removed immediately, and the question of permanent removal shall be determined pursuant to the hearing procedures specified herein. A written record of all removal proceedings together with the charges and findings thereon shall be kept by the Tribal Secretary. A decision on removal by the Council shall be final.

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