1. The Commission shall keep and maintain accurate, complete, and detailed records which reflect all taxes, penalties, and interest levied, due, and paid, and each and every official transaction, communication, or action of the Commission, including minutes of all meetings of the Commission.
  2. Such records shall be maintained at the office of the Commission and shall not be removed from that location absent the consent of the Commission by formal resolution.
  3. Such records shall be subject to audit any time upon the direction of the Council, and shall be audited not less than once each year by an independent auditor selected by the Council.
  4. With the exception of records relating to the business of a named particular utility, any records of the Commission and any records of administrative proceedings before the Commission are public records of the Tribe. For reasonable business purposes only, such records shall be available for public inspection and copying during the Commission’s regular business hours. Copies of such records may be obtained by payment of such copying cost as may be established by rule of the Commission. However, the names and other identification of any utility appearing in such records shall be rendered unreadable prior to release of such copies unless this Title otherwise allows release of such information.
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Office | (605) 747-2278