1. Within 30 days following the effective date of this Title, or when requested in writing by an electric utility and for good cause shown, whichever first occurs, and at such further time as the Commission may fix by order, each electric utility providing service on the Reservation shall file with the Commission a map or maps showing all its electric lines within the Reservation as they existed on the effective date of this Title and all places on the Reservation receiving its service. After 30 days from the effective date of this Title, unless a customer whose place being served is shown on such map or maps, it shall be conclusively presumed that such customer was not being served on the effective date of this Title.
  2. On or before twelve months following the effective date of this Title, the Commission shall, after notice and hearing, establish the assigned service area or areas of each electric utility and shall prepare or cause to be prepared a map or maps to show accurately and clearly the boundaries of the assigned service area of each electric utility providing electric service or maintaining an electric line within the Rosebud Indian Reservation.
  3. To the extent that it is not inconsistent with the legislative policies of this Chapter and existing service as shown on the map or maps provided pursuant to Subsection (1), the boundaries of each assigned service area shall be a line equidistant between the electric lines of adjacent electric utilities as they exist on the effective date of this Title, provided that these boundaries may be modified by the Commission to take account of natural and other physical barriers including, but not limited to, highways, waterways, railways, major bluffs, and ravines, and shall be modified to take account of the contracts provided for under this Section; and provided further that at any time after the effective date of this Title, the Commission may on its own or at the request of an electric utility make changes in the boundaries of the assigned service areas, but only after appropriate notice and hearing as provided for in this Title.
  4. Contracts between an electric utility and any customer, and between utilities, which are executed on or before six months after the effective date of this Title designating customers and areas to be served by the electric utilities, when approved by the Commission, shall be valid and enforceable and shall be incorporated into the appropriate assigned service areas. The Commission shall approve a contract if it finds that the contract will eliminate or avoid unnecessary duplication of facilities, will provide adequate electric service to all areas and customers affected, and will promote the efficient and economical use and development of the electric systems of the contracting electric utilities.
  5. In those areas where, on the effective date of this Title, the existing electric lines of two or more electric utilities are so intertwined that the provisions of this Section cannot reasonably be applied, the Commission shall determine the boundaries of the assigned service areas for the electric utilities involved in such manner as will best promote the legislative policy of this Title.
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