If any respondent ordered excluded from Rosebud lands pursuant to this Ordinance does not promptly obey the Exclusion Order, the Tribal court shall issue a Writ of Exclusion which shall order any police officer to (1) remove the respondent from all Rosebud lands covered by the Exclusion order at the respondent’s expense, and (2) prevent the reentry of the respondent onto any Rosebud lands covered by the Exclusion Order for so long as the Exclusion Order remains in effect. The police officer executing the Writ shall use only so much force as is necessary to effect the removal or prevent the reentry. The Tribal Court may also refer the matter to the United States Attorney for prosecution of any federal crime committed.

Rosebud Sioux Trabe logo.

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Seach for available forms on the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Court document manager. This includes Constitutional Amendments, Motions, ProSe forms, etc.

Office | (605) 747-2278