Any non-member may be excluded and removed from Rosebud lands, as provided in this Ordinance, for commission of one or more of the following acts inside the Reservation or Rosebud lands outside the Reservation:

  1. Disorderly conduct.
  2. Repeated public drunkenness.
  3. Entering an area in violation of any order of the Tribal Council designating such area as closed because of fire hazard or for any other reason.
  4. Failing or refusing to pay any taxes, rents or other charges justly due the Rosebud Sioux Tribe or any tribal entity, after reasonable notice and an opportunity to pay.
  5. Mining, cutting timber or vegetation or other use, abuse or damage to tribal property without authorization from the Tribe or the Secretary of the Interior.
  6. Any act causing physical loss of damage of any nature to the property of the Tribe, its enrolled members, or the other residents of the Reservation or off-Reservation Rosebud lands.
  7. A crime, as defined by South Dakota, federal or tribal law, or any act which, if committed by a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, would be a crime under tribal law.
  8. Violating any law of the Tribe, including any provision of the Tribal Tax code or any rule or regulation of the Tribal Tax Commission.
  9. Forcing entry into any home within the Rosebud Reservation or on off-Reservation Rosebud lands without the consent of the occupant.
  10. Unauthorized prospecting.
  11. Committing a fraud, a confidence game, or usury against any tribal member or any other resident of the Reservation or off-Reservation Rosebud lands.
  12. Inducing any tribal member or other resident of the Reservation of or off-Reservation Rosebud lands to enter into an unconscionable or grossly unfair contract of any nature.
  13. Trading or conducting business within the Reservation in violation of tribal or federal law.
  14. Defrauding any tribal member of just compensation for his labor or service of any nature done at the request of the non-member.
  15. Hunting, fishing or trapping without lawful authority or permission or in violation of tribal or federal law.
  16. Entering or remaining upon the Reservation or upon off-Reservation Rosebud lands while afflicted by a serious communicable or contagious disease which poses a substantial threat to the life or health of others.
  17. Unauthorized taking of any property from the Reservation or from off-Reservation Rosebud lands.
  18. Using, possessing or selling of any narcotic drug or controlled substance in violation of tribal, South Dakota, or federal law.
  19. Exploring or excavating items, sites or locations of historic, religious or scientific significance without the lawful authority or permission of the Tribe or in violation of tribal or federal law.
  20. Violating tribal customs.
  21. Threatening to cause disturbances or riots or to conduct any activity prohibited by the Tribe.
  22. Failing to obey an order of the Tribal Court.
Rosebud Sioux Trabe logo.

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Office | (605) 747-2278