This code shall apply to any and all arrangements, formal or informal, written or agreed to orally or by the practice of the parties, in selling, renting, leasing, occupying or using any and all housing, dwellings or accommodations for human occupation and residence.

  1. Jurisdiction is extended over all buildings and lands or residence which may lie within:
    1. The exterior boundaries of the Rosebud Reservation;
    2. Lands owned by, held in trust for, leased or used by the Rosebud Tribe, its Indian Housing Authority or any other entity of the Tribe;
    3. The Indian Country of the Rosebud Tribe, as may be defined from time to time by the laws of the Tribe or of the United States.
  2. Jurisdiction is extended over all persons or entities within the jurisdiction of the Tribe who sell, rent, lease or allow persons to occupy housing, dwellings or accommodations for the purpose of human dwelling, occupation or residence, and all persons who buy, rent, lease or occupy such structures. Such personal jurisdiction is extended over all persons and entities, whether they are members of the Rosebud Tribe or not, whether they are Indian or non-Indian, and whether or not they have a place of business within the Rosebud Reservation. Any act within the Rosebud Reservation dealing with the subject matter of this code shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Rosebud Tribe.
  3. Jurisdiction over all matters arising within the jurisdiction of the Tribe with the respect to the subjects of this code, and jurisdiction with respect to any person or entity acting or causing actions which are within the code shall be exercised by the Rosebud Tribal court of the Rosebud Tribe.
Rosebud Sioux Trabe logo.

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Office | (605) 747-2278