Each landlord under this code has the right to:

  1. Be paid any rent or money due under an agreement within thirty (30) days from the agreed date of payment or within thirty (30) days following the first day of a month-to-month agreement for dwelling occupancy.
  2. Adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the use and occupancy of a dwelling which are designed to promote the convenience, safety or welfare of occupants, preserve the property from abusive or improper use, make a fair distribution or use of services and facilities for those who occupy dwellings or otherwise preserve the peace and quiet enjoyment of other tenants.
  3. Have access to the dwelling for maintenance, repairs, decorations, alterations or improvements, to inspect the premises, supply necessary or agreed services, or show the dwelling to prospective buyers or tenants, and to otherwise have reasonable access to the premises. Such access must be at reasonable times when the tenant is present, and after the landlord has made a reasonable effort to give the tenant a notice of at least twenty-four (24) hours, except in situations involving an emergency or where the tenant consents. No tenant who unreasonably denies access to a landlord for these purposes may allege as a defense that any services or repairs were not provided.
  4. Require that any tenant comply with codes or regulations regarding housing, health, safety or public order, keep the premises reasonably clean and safe, dispose of all ashes, garbage, rubbish and waste in a clean and safe manner, keep the premises and its parts in good repair, reasonably use all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning or other facilities and appliances, conduct himself or herself and require others on the premises to conduct themselves in a way that will not disturb the peaceful enjoyment of others or abuse property, use all parts of the premises in a way they were intended or designed, and refrain from destroying, defacing, damaging or removing any part of the premises or allow any other to do so.
  5. Reasonably enjoy all rights which are given by law or the agreement of the parties.
  6. Administrative process fees incurred in the successful eviction of a tenant and/or money judgment entered against a tenant in an amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
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