Where a tenant has not complied with this code or the agreement of the parties, the landlord has the right to:

  1. Give reasonable notice to the tenant to comply with his or her obligations, pay any monies due and owing under the agreement of the parties, or to terminate the agreement under which the tenant occupies the premises and demand that he and those with him leave the premises.
  2. Require repairs or maintenance which are the responsibility of the tenant and demand compliance with reasonable rules and regulations for occupancy. The landlord has the specific right to terminate the lease or occupancy agreement upon failure of tenant to so comply.
  3. Seek a court order or judgment for the payment of monies or costs, compliance with the agreements and obligations of tenants, terminate an agreement, payment of damages, eviction of tenants and any other relief to which he may be entitled to by law or the agreement of the parties, provided that no order of eviction shall be executed during the months of November, December, January, February or March except upon specific finding by the Court that such an eviction would not endanger the lives or property of the occupants by subjecting the same to intolerable, harsh weather and living conditions.
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