Terms used in this Chapter shall mean:

  1. “Blends”, one or more petroleum product, mixed with or without another product regardless of the original character of the product blended, if the product obtained by the blending is capable of use in the generation of power for the propulsion of a motor vehicle, an airplane, or a motorboat. The term does not include those blends that occur in the process of refining by the original refiner of crude petroleum or by the blend of products know as lubricating oil and greases. The term does not apply to fuel additives which have been subject to sales or use tax imposed by Chapters 7 and 8, or to dye;
  2. “Ethanol blend”, a blended motor fuel, commonly referred to as gasohol, containing a minimum of ten percent by volume of ethyl alcohol of at least ninety-nine percent purity derived from cereal grant which is blended exclusively with a product commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline. The blending of casinghead or natural gasoline is not permitted in an ethanol blend fuel product in quantities larger than required to denature the ethyl alcohol;
  3. “Exporter”, any person, who purchases or owns motor fuel or special fuel in this reservation and transport or delivers or causes the fuel to be transported or delivered to another state, reservation, or country by any means other than a pipeline;
  4. “Fuel additive”, a product purchased or acquired for the purpose of adding it to motor fuel for special fuel which was formulated and produced exclusively to enhance the performance or quality of the fuel. The term does not include kerosene;
  5. “Gallon”, for purposes of fuel taxation, a United States gallon measured on a gross volume basis;
  6. “Gasoline”, a fuel product commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline or reformulated gasoline, which has not been blended with alcohol, naphtha, or any other fuel products such as casinghead, absorption, drip, or natural gasoline’s;
  7. “Import”, with respect
    1. to a seller, when the seller’s motor fuel or special fuel is delivered into the reservation from out-of-reservation by or for the seller and
    2. to a purchaser, when the purchaser’s motor fuel or special fuel is delivered into the Rosebud Reservation from out-of-reservation by or for the purchaser;
  8. “Importer”, any person who purchases or owns motor fuel or special fuel in another state or country and transports or delivers or causes the fuel to be transported or delivered into this reservation by any means other than a pipeline;
  9. “Motor fuel”, all products commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, and all gasoline blends;
  10. “Wholesaler”, any person who purchases motor fuel or special fuel from a supplier or another wholesale distributor, or removes the fuel from a terminal at the rack for subsequent sale to another wholesale distributor or retail dealer.
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