In addition to all other remedies provided for in this Chapter, the Tax Commission is authorized to request that an action be brought pursuant to the Tribal Exclusion Ordinance, if any, to temporarily or permanently exclude from all or any portion of Rosebud lands, any non-member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe who willfully fails to comply with any provision of this Code or any of the rules and regulation which the Tax Commission is authorized by this Code to promulgate, provided, that such action may not be brought against a person authorized by federal law to be present on such lands. As used in this Section, “Rosebud Lands” means the Tribal Land Enterprise, or any other tribal entity, regardless of whether such lands are located inside or outside the Rosebud Reservation, and allotments inside the Rosebud Reservation which are either held in trust by the United States for an individual Indian or Indians, or owned by an individual Indian or Indians and subject to restrictions upon alienation imposed by the United States; provided, that the term does not include public highways on such lands.

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Office | (605) 747-2278