5-1-4 Criminal Jurisdiction

The Rosebud Sioux Tribe's criminal jurisdiction shall extend to the territory within the original confines of the Rosebud Reservation boundaries as established by the act of March 2, 1889, and to such other lands as may hereafter be added thereto under any law of the United States, except as otherwise provided by law. (Constitution and By-laws of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Art. I). The criminal jurisdiction of the Tribe shall extend to all Indians, and all other persons over whom the exercise of criminal jurisdiction by the Tribe is authorized or permitted by federal law.

  1. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe's criminal jurisdiction shall extend to Non-Indians who by federal law are subject to the Tribe 's special jurisdiction who commit violent crimes specifically domestic violence and dating violence against Indians within the Tribe's jurisdiction. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe's special criminal jurisdiction shall extend to criminal protection order violations under 5-44-7. The conditions for a Non-Indian who violate the Tribes' domestic violence and dating violence Reside within the territorial jurisdiction of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe; or
  2. Is employed within the territorial jurisdiction of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe; or
  3. Is a spouse, intimate partner, or dating partner of:
    1. member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe; or
    2. an Indian who resides within the territorial jurisdiction of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.

(History Ord. 2020-03)

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