The Treasurer of the Tribe with the approval of the director of the Department of Natural Resources of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and the head of the Tribal police may issue permits to persons under the age of sixteen (16) but of the age of at least twelve (12) years to carry firearms for hunting purposes only. The fee for the issuance of said permit shall be $5. Said permit shall be effective through age fifteen (15).

The Tribal Treasurer’s office, with the approval of the Chief Judge of the Tribal Court and the head of the Tribal police force, may issue a license to a person to carry a pistol concealed on or about his person on the Reservation for a period of not more than two (2) years from the date of issue, if it appears that the applicant has good reason to fear an injury to his person or his property, or has some other proper reason for carrying a pistol and that he is a suitable person to be so licensed and is not disqualified pursuant to section 5-11-6 of this code. The Treasurer’s office will maintain a record of the written application for said license and the applicant will subscribe an oath before the Treasurer that the statements made on the application are true. The fee for issuing such license shall be $25.00.

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Office | (605) 747-2278