5-13-1. VANDALISM.

Any person who, intentionally:

  1. Injures, defaces, damages, or destroys private property in which any other person has an interest without the consent of such other person; or
  2. Damages, defaces, injures, or destroys Tribal or other public property without the lawful consent of the appropriate governing body having jurisdiction thereof; or
  3. Causes or threatens a substantial interruption or impairment of any public utility service, including but not limited to transportation, water supply, gas, power or other utility services; or
  4. Causes a substantial interruption or impairment in mass communication service or police, fire, or other public service communications or amateur or citizen’s band radio communications being used for public service or emergency communications; or
  5. Deposits, throws, or propels any substance upon any highway, roadway, runway, or railroad track, or at any vehicle while such vehicle is either in motion or stationary

is guilty of vandalism.

Vandalism is a Class C crime if the damage inflicted is $100 or less.

Vandalism is a Class B crime if the damage inflicted is $100 but $500 or less.

Vandalism is a Class A crime if the damage is inflicted is more than $500.

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