Any person who owns, or has under his possession or control, any personal property which is the subject of a valid and enforceable security interest or other lien, and with respect to said property commits any of the following; namely:

  1. Willfully destroys, conceals, sells, or in any other manner disposes of or materially injures any part of said property without the written consent of the then holder of such security interest or other lien; or
  2. Willfully abandons said property without first giving written notice to the then holder of said security interest or other lien, of his intention to abandon such property; or
  3. When said property consists of livestock, willfully fails to notify the holder of said security interest or other lien upon such livestock of the death of any such livestock immediately after the death of said livestock; or
  4. Removes any part of said property to a point outside the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Reservation without the written consent of the then holder of the security interest or other lien;

is guilty of unauthorized transfer of mortgaged property

Unauthorized transfer of mortgaged property is a Class A crime.

Paragraph (4) above shall not be applicable to motor vehicle used primarily for personal transportation or business which are temporarily off the Reservation in accordance with the usual and customary business or person transportation practices of the person who would otherwise be required to obtain permission to remove said vehicle from the Reservation.

Rosebud Sioux Trabe logo.

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Office | (605) 747-2278