1. “Street Gang” a formal or informal ongoing organization, association or group of three or more persons who have a common name or common identifying signs, colors or symbols and have members or association who, individually or collectively, engage in or have engaged in a pattern of street gang activity.
  2. “Street Gang Member” a person who engages in a pattern of street gang activity and who meets two or more of the following criteria:
    1. Admits to gang membership;
    2. Is identified as a gang member by a documented reliable informant;
    3. Resides in or frequents a particular gang’s area and adopts its style of dress, its use of hand signs or its tattoos and associated with known gang members;
    4. Is identified as a gang member by an informant of previously untested reliability is such identification is corroborated by independent information;
    5. Has been arrested more than once in the company of identified gang members for offenses which are consistent with usual gang activity;
    6. Is identified as a gang member by physical evidence, such photographs or other documentation; or
    7. Has been stopped in the company of known gang members four or more times.
  3. “Pattern of Street Gang Activity” the commission, attempted commission or solicitation by any member or members of a street gang of two or more or offenses on separate occasions within a three-year period for the purpose of furthering gang activity as evidenced by the following:
  1. Intentionally organizing, managing, directing or supervising a criminal street gang with the intent to promote or further the criminal objectives of the street gang;
  2. Knowingly enticing and inducing others to engage in violence or intimidation to promote or further the criminal objectives of the street gang;
  3. Furnishing advice or direction in the conduct, financing or management of a street gang’s affairs with the intent to promote or further the objectives of a street gang;
  4. Hiring, engaging or using a minor for any conduct preparatory to or in furtherance of any offense in this section;
  5. Committing, attempting to commit or soliciting one or more criminal offenses prescribed by this Ordinance or the Tribal Law and Order Code with the intent to promote or advance the objectives of a street gang.
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