5-35-5 Big Game Provisions

  1. BIG GAME TAGGING-The locking seal issued with each big game permit shall be attached securely around one leg between the hoof and knee joint.
  2. GENERAL-No big game animal shall be hunted or harvested by any other method than is prescribed by this Code.
  3. BAITING-It shall be unlawful to use bait of any kind to attract big game animals while hunting or to hunt or take big game over bait.
  4. EVIDENCE OF SEX-After harvesting a big game animal evidence of sex must be left attached to the carcass. Suitable evidence of sex shall include scrotum, udder, head, or identifiable portions of reproductive organs.
  5. SILENCING-It shall be unlawful to use any mechanism to silence, muffle, or minimize the report of any firearm while hunting big game.
  6. HUNTING FOR ANOTHER-No person shall hire another person to hunt big game for him nor shall any person hunt big game for another with or without any form of compensation.
  7. DISTURBING WILDLIFE PROHIBITED-No person shall hire, chase, harass, disperse, call or otherwise disturb any wildlife by means other than by legal hunting methods and in the ordinary course of hunting.
  8. ACCOMPANIMENT PROHIBITED-No big game permittee, while hunting in the field during any big game season shall be accompanied by any non-licensee or non-permittee carrying any firearm or bow and arrow. A “non-licensee” or “non-permittee” is a person not having a big game license for the same season.
  9. MINIMUM CALIBER OF BIG GAME AMMUNITION-It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt any big game animal with a firearm which discharges a projectile of a diameter less than 22/100 of an inch. The cartridge must contain a soft point or expanding bullet.
  10. MINIMUM LENGTH OF BIG GAME AMMUNITION-It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt any big game animal with a cartridge less than two inches in length, except with large Caliber handguns.
  11. LARGE CALIBER HANDGUNS-It shall be unlawful to hunt any species of wildlife on the Rosebud Sioux Reservation with a handgun, except that big game may be hunted with handguns of .41 and .44 caliber using factory loaded ammunition with expanding bullets and with at least a four (4)-inch barrel. All other calibers of handguns shall be illegal for hunting of big game.
  12. MINIMUM CALIBER OF MUZZLE-LOADING BIG GAME AMMUNITION-It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt big game with any muzzle loading rifle which discharges a projectile of a diameter less than 42/100 of an inch.
  13. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CARTRIDGES IN SELF-LOADING FIREARMS TO HUNT BIG GAME-No self-loading firearm that holds than six (6) cartridges may be used to hunt any big game animal.
  14. BUCKSHOT PROHIBITED IN HUNTING BIG GAME-No buckshot may be used, and no single call or rifled slug weighing less than ½ ounce may be used in hunting big game animals.
  15. DOGS PROHIBITED IN HUNTING BIG GAME-No dog shall be used in the hunting of big game animals.
  16. USE OF SALT TO ATTRACT BIG GAME PROHIBITED-No person shall place any salt or salt lick or construct a blind or stand at or near any salt lick for the purposes of hunting big game animals.
  17. USE OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHT IN HUNTING BIG GAME PROHIBITED-It shall be unlawful to use any artificial light in taking or attempting to take big game animals, or to use artificial light in big game areas while in possession of a firearm or bow and arrow.
  18. UNLAWFUL TAKING, POSSESSION, SALE OR TRANSPORTATION OF GAME BIRDS, ANIMALS, OR FISH-Any person who takes, catches, kills, or has in his possession with intent to sell; sells, or causes to be conveyed; has in his possession with intent to ship or convey to any point, either within or without this Reservation, any game birds, animals, or fish or parts thereof, in violation of any law of this Tribe or any legally-prescribed pertinent regulations of this Department of Natural Resources, or any common carrier or agent or agents thereof who aids or abets any person in shipping such game animals or fish, or has the same in his possession with intent to ship or convey to any point either within or without this Reservation contrary to law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
  19. ARCHERY EQUIPMENT RESTRICTIONS-No person hunting with bow and arrow shall use or possess explosive points, poisonous points, barbed points, or cross bows.
  20. MINIMUM SIZE BOW AND ARROW-Big game permittees hunting with bow and arrow shall be equipped with a bow of not less than forty (40) pounds pull at twenty-eight (28) inches of draw or at a peak of draw, capable of shooting an arrow one hundred twenty-five (125) yards. The cutting edge of the arrowhead must be of steel and not be less than 7/8 inches wide and not less than 1½ inches long. The shaft of the arrow must be at least twenty-four (24) inches long. Broadheads must be of reasonable sharpness (razor sharp). Each cutting blade of the broadhead must be of one place, and all broadheads with spiral shaped cutting surfaces are prohibited.
  21. ARCHERS PROHIBITED FROM POSSESSING FIREARMS-No person licensed in season restricted to archery only shall possess any firearm in the field while hunting with bow and arrow.
  22. TAGGING REQUIREMENTS FOR BIG GAME-No big game animal taken on this Reservation shall be transported unless the tag bearing the licensee/permittee’s number for that season, has been securely attached at the time the big game animal is brought into any hunting camp, dwelling, farmyard, or other place or abode of any kind occupied overnight or in the event such big game animal is brought out to a road or trail, the before the same is placed upon or in a vehicle of any kind. All tagging instructions printed on the tag must be followed.
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