5-42-15 Driver’s License, Identification Cards, Passports, and Immigration Documents

  1. Driver’s License. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe Police Department or designee shall obtain, and a covered sex offense shall provide, a photocopy of all of the sex offender’s valid driver’s licenses issued by any jurisdiction.
  2. Identification Cards. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe Police Department or designee shall obtain, and a covered sex offender shall provide a photocopy of any identification card including the sex offender’s tribal enrollment card issued by any jurisdiction.
  3. Passports. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe Police Department or designee shall obtain, and a covered sex offender shall provide a photocopy of any passports used by the sex offender.
  4. Immigration Documents. The Rosebud Sioux Tribe Police Department or designee shall obtain, and a covered sex offender shall provide a photocopy of any and all immigration documents.
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