5-44-1. Purpose.
The purpose of this code is to recognize that domestic violence and dating violence are serious crimes against our Lakota values and family system. This code recognizes the trauma that domestic violence and dating violence creates in the lives of our Wakanyeja (children). It is the Oyate’s intention to ensure that the victims of domestic and dating violence receive the maximum protection from abuse which the Rosebud Sioux Tribe’s laws, and those who enforce the laws can provide.
It is the intent of the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council that the official response to cases of domestic, dating violence, and criminal violations of protection orders shall be that violent behavior is not to be excused or tolerated, whether or not the abuser is intoxicated. Furthermore, it is the intent of the Tribal Council that criminal laws be enforced without regard to whether the persons involved are family members, were or are married, cohabiting, or involved in a dating relationship. It is the intent of the Tribal Council that the Elders, two-spirit and Wakanyeja (children) of this Tribe be cherished and protected according to the traditions of the tribe.
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