5-45-4. Failure to Quarantine.

Quarantine as used in this statute is defined as a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease. It is the separation of a person or group of people, from others who have not been so exposed or diagnosed, to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.

Any person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or other contagious disease who willfully or intentionally refuses or otherwise does not quarantine themselves in their residence or some other structure designed for quarantines pursuant to either:

  1. A court order requiring he or she to quarantine so that they do not expose the public to COVID-19 or another communicable disease, or
  2. A doctor’s order or recommendation that the person quarantine, or
  3. A Tribal Presidential Declaration or Council Declaration of Public Health Emergency

Is Guilty of Failure to Quarantine.

Failure to Quarantine is a Class A Offense with a mandatory minimum of fourteen (14) days.

Upon conviction of this offense, the defendant shall provide a list of all persons that they came into contact with as a result of their failure to quarantine. Failure to provide a truthful list may result in additional charges under RSTLOC §5-16-2.

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