Any physician, dentist, chiropractor, doctor of osteopath, optometrist, psychologist, social worker, law enforcement officer, teacher, school employee or official, nurse, employee of Public Health Service, licensed or registered child welfare provider, or other person having reasonable cause to suspect that a child under the age of eighteen (18) years examined by such person either for care or treatment, or having observed said child in the course of ordinary and usual contact with said child, has been abused or neglected, or has been injured by other than accidental means by any person including a parent or other person responsible for such child’s care, shall report or cause reports to be made orally and immediately by telephone or otherwise to the Tribal Prosecutor of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe or to the South Dakota or BIA Department of Social Services, or to the Tribal or BIA Police or the State’s Attorney or County Sheriff of the county in which the child resides, if the child resides outside the Rosebud Sioux Reservation.  Such person shall additionally file written reports under oath if requested to do so by the agency to which the suspected abuse has been reported.  Failure to comply with this section constitutes the offense of failing to report suspected child abuse.

Failing to report suspected child abuse is a Class B crime.

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Office | (605) 747-2278