1. A judgment is any Order which finally and conclusively determines the rights of the party.  When more than one claim for relief is presented in an action, however designated, a final judgment may be entered on less than of such claims.  If the Court enters an Order severing such decided claims from the remaining claims, then the appeal time will commence to run as to the claim decided in the same manner in which the appeal time would begin to run if the claim had been sued out separately. Otherwise, the appeal will not commence to run until all of the claims in the litigation are decided.
  2. A judgment by Default shall not award relief different in kind from or exceed the amount which was specifically prayed for in the Complaint.  Otherwise, every final judgment shall grant the relief to which the party in whose favor the same was rendered is entitled even if such relief was not demanded in the pleadings.   It may be given for or against one or more several persons, and it may, if justice requires, determine the ultimate rights of the parties on either side as between themselves.
  3. The Court may award costs and disbursements to the prevailing party or order that each party shall bear its own costs.  The prevailing party shall file with the Court an affidavit of his costs and necessary disbursements within five (5) days of the entry of the judgment and serve a copy on the opposing party.  If such are not objected to within five (5) days after receipt of the affidavit of costs, they shall be deemed to be part of and included in the judgment rendered.  The costs which are allowable are filing fees, fees for service and process, publication fees, fees for subpoena and attendance of witnesses and costs of depositions.  No other fees shall be allowed.
  4. The Court shall not award attorney’s fees in any case except the Court may in its discretion award a reasonable attorney’s fee in divorce or other domestic relations type case.
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