1. To the greatest extent consistent with due process of law, any person, whether or not a citizen, resident, or present on the Reservation, who in person or through an agent does any of the acts as enumerated in this Section, thereby submits said person or his personal representative to the jurisdiction of the Tribal Court as to any cause of action arising from doing any of the following acts within the Rosebud Indian Reservation:
    1. The transaction of any business;
    2. The commission of a tortious act;
    3. The ownership, use or possession of any property, real or personal;
    4. Contracting to insure any person, property or risk;
    5. The act of sexual intercourse within this Reservation;
    6. Living in a marital relationship, notwithstanding the subsequent departure from this Reservation, as to any action for divorce or separate maintenance so long as the petitioning party has continued to reside within the Reservation.
  2. Only causes of action arising from acts enumerated herein may be asserted against a defendant in an action in which jurisdiction over him is based upon this Section.
  3. Nothing in this Section limits or affects jurisdiction over persons now or hereafter provided by law or the rights to serve any process in any other manner now or hereafter provided by law.
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Office | (605) 747-2278