1. Appointment of Appraiser.
    Upon ordering an estate to be probated, the Court shall appoint a disinterested and competent person as an appraiser to appraise all of decedent’s real and personal property within the estate.
  2. Oath of Appraiser.
    Before making his or her appraisement, the appraiser shall file a verified oath of office with the Court to the effect that he or she has no interest in the estate and that he will honestly, impartially, and to the best of his or her ability, appraise all of the property within the estate which shall be exhibited to him.
  3. Duties of Appraiser.
    It shall be the duty of the appraiser to separately appraise the true cash value of each article or item property within the estate, including debts due the decedent, and to indicate the appraised value of each such article or item of property set forth in the inventory of the estate and to certify such appraisal by subscribing his or her name to the inventory and appraisement.
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Office | (605) 747-2278