10-1-33. Bootlegging.

Any person who, by himself, or through another acting for him shall keep or carry on his person, or in a vehicle, or leave in place for another to secure, any alcoholic liquor or low-point beer with the intent to sell or dispense of such liquor or low-point beer with the intent to sell or dispense of such liquor or low-point beer or otherwise in violation of law, or who shall, within this reservation in any manner, directly or indirectly, solicit, take, or accept any order for the purchase, sale, shipment, or delivery of such alcoholic liquor or low-point beer in violation of law, or aid in delivery and distribution of any alcoholic liquor or low-point beer to any person under legal age for any purpose except as authorized and permitted in this ordinance, shall be guilty of bootlegging and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than $300 or no more than $500 and to a jail sentence of not less than three (3) months nor more than six (6) months or both fine and jail sentence plus costs.

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