1. Except as otherwise provided hereafter, proceedings in children’s cases before the Juvenile court are commenced by petition. All proceedings in Juvenile Court shall be closed to the public.
  2. In the case violation of motor vehicle or boating laws or ordinances, fish and game laws and ordinances, a petition shall not be required. This issuance of a traffic or other citation or summons shall be sufficient to invoke the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court. Unless the Court shall otherwise order, no preliminary investigation shall be required in such cases.
  3. Whenever the Court is petitioned by a police officer or any other person alleging that a child is or appears to be within the Court’s jurisdiction, the Clerk of Court shall notify the probation officer or other designated person who shall make a preliminary inquiry to determine whether the interests of the public, the Tribe, or the child require that further action be taken. The report on the preliminary investigation shall be filed with the Court without unnecessary delay.
  4. The Court may, by rule, provide that police reports or reports by other social services-related agencies having contact with or custody or supervision over a child, may be filed with the Court in lieu of a preliminary investigation; in which case, further preliminary investigation; in which case, further preliminary investigation as provided herein shall not be required unless otherwise specifically ordered.
  5. As an alternative to filing a petition, the Court may, with the assistance of the Court Counselor or other designated individuals, make such non-judicial or informal adjustments of the case as is practicable without a petition and proceedings thereunder. Such adjustments shall be made only in cases in which the facts are admitted and established prima facie jurisdiction in the Tribal Juvenile Court, and further provided, that consent is obtained from the parent(s) or other custodians and also from the child, if in the Court’s opinion, he of suitable age and discretion. Efforts to effect an informal adjustment may not extend for a period of more than six (6) months without the permission of the Judge of the Juvenile Court, who may extend such intervention.
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