1. Judgment: No Judgment, Order, or Decree of the Tribal Juvenile Court shall operate after the child becomes eighteen (18) years of age unless the Court deems that it is in the best interest of the individual or the Tribe to discontinue its jurisdiction.
  2. Orders-Termination-Renewals: An Order vesting placement of a child in an individual agency, or institution shall be for an indeterminate period, but shall not remain in force longer than two (2) years from the date it is entered unless, within the two (2) year period, the Court, after notice to the parties and a hearing, shall have reviewed the Order and found its renewal necessary to safeguard the welfare of the child or the public interest, in which case, the Order shall be extended for a two (2) year period. The findings of the Court and the reasons therefore shall be entered into the record with a Review Order or with the Order Denying Renewal.
  3. Orders-Modification: The Court may modify or set aside any Order or Decree made by it; but no modification or an Order placing a child on probation shall be made upon an alleged violation of the terms of probation, until there has been a hearing after due notice to all persons concerned. Notice and a hearing shall also be required in any other cases in which the effect of modifying or setting aside an Order, may be to deprive a parent of the legal custody of the child, to place the child in a child care facility or agency, or to transfer the child from one institution or agency to another; except that transfer from one foster home to another may be effected without notice and hearing.
  4. Orders of Termination-Notice: Notice of an Order terminating probation or protective supervision shall be given to the parents, guardian, or custodian, and where appropriate to the child.
  5. Court Adjudication-Not Criminal in Nature: Adjudication by the Tribal Juvenile Court that a child is within its jurisdiction under 3-1-4 of this code shall not be deemed a conviction of a crime.
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