1. Review Requirement.
    1. The status of all children subject to a child/family protection order shall be reviewed by the court at least every six (6) months at a hearing to determine whether court supervision shall continue. The first review shall be held within ninety (90) days after the disposition hearing.
    2. A supplementary social service report will be filed at each review, and served upon the parties or their attorneys at least three (3) days before the review hearing.
  2. Return Home. A child shall be returned home after the review hearing unless the court finds that a reason for removal as set forth in the disposition order still exists. The court may, however, due to unresolved problems in the home, continue court intervention and supervision as appropriate.
  3. Written Order. If continued court intervention is determined to be necessary, the court shall set forth the following in a written order:
    1. What services have been provided or offered to the parent, guardian or custodian, to help correct the underlying problem(s);
    2. The extent to which the parent, guardian or custodian has visited or contacted the child, any reason why such visitation and/or contact has been infrequent or not otherwise occurred;
    3. Whether the parent, guardian or custodian is cooperative with the court;
    4. Whether additional services should be offered to the parent, guardian or custodian;
    5. Whether the parent, guardian or custodian should be required to participate in any additional programs to help correct the underlying problem(s);
    6. What needs to be done before custody of the child can be returned to the parent or guardian.
  4. Additional Steps. The court at the review hearing may order that a petition to terminate the parent/child relationship be filed, or that a guardianship petition be filed.
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