3-7-10 Truancy Remediation Plan - Monitoring and Review

  1. The truancy personnel shall periodically review the effectiveness of the truancy remediation plan.
  2. The periodic review required under subsection (a):
    1. shall include regular, scheduled contact between the truancy personnel, the Wakanyeja, and the Wakanyeja parent, guardian or custodian; and
    2. where appropriate given the circumstances and needs of the Wakanyeja and the Wakanyeja parent, guardian or custodian, may include:
      1. school visits at any time;
      2. home visits at times and intervals set forth in the truancy remediation plan and agreed to by the Wakanyeja parent, guardian or custodian; and
      3. subject to written consent by the Wakanyeja and the Wakanyeja parent, guardian or custodian, as may be required by law, communication between truancy personnel and;
        1. any person or agency providing services to the Wakanyeja or the Wakanyeja parent, guardian or custodian in accordance with the truancy remediation plan; and
        2. school officials or support staff responsible for meeting the Wakanyeja educational needs and monitoring the Wakanyeja educational progress.
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