3-7-3 Attendance Review Conference - Purpose and Conduct.

  1. The purpose of the attendance review conference shall be:
    1. to review the causes for the Wakanyeja unexcused absences; and
    2. to discuss steps to improve the Wakanyeja school attendance, which may include:
      1. obtaining more individualized or remedial instruction;
      2. adjusting the Wakanyeja educational program or school or course assignment;
      3. identifying and providing home-based instruction approved by the superintendent of the school district in which the child resides, subject to monitoring by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Education Department;
      4. enrolling the Wakanyeja in an alternative school or educational program;
      5. assisting the Wakanyeja and the Wakanyeja parent, guardian or custodian to obtain services or resources that might eliminate or ameliorate the causes for the Wakanyeja unexcused absences; or
      6. referring the Wakanyeja to the truancy board.
  2. At the conclusion of the attendance review conference, the truancy personnel shall:
    1. together with the Wakanyeja and the Wakanyeja parent, guardian or custodian, develop an informal attendance plan in accordance with the provisions of RSTLOC 3-7-4; provide notice of the plan to the school said Wakanyeja is attending; or
    2. within five (5) business days of the attendance review conference, and subject to the provisions of RSTLOC 3-7-7, Truancy Personnel will send a referral to the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Education Department if there is one (1) more unexcused absence in accordance with the provisions of RSTLOC 3-7-5.
    3. within ten (10) business days of receiving a referral Rosebud Sioux Tribal Education Department convene a truancy board in accordance with the provisions of RSTLOC 3-7-5.
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