3-7-33 Disposition Hearing - Conduct At the disposition hearing, the Children’s Court:

  1. shall afford the parties the opportunity:
    1. to present documentary or testimonial evidence concerning the appropriate disposition of the matter; and
    2. to controvert, and to cross-examine the sources of, the contents and conclusions of any reports, testimony, or other evidence to be considered by the Wakanyeja Court pursuant to the provisions of this section;
  2. shall consider the predisposition report and recommendations prepared by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Education Department, as well as any alternative predisposition report or recommendations prepared by the Wakanyeja or the Wakanyeja parent, guardian or custodian; and
  3. may consider any evidence, including hearsay, which it finds to be relevant, reliable, and helpful in making the determinations required under RSTLOC 3-7-31.
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