3-7-37 Disposition Orders - Duration and Termination

  1. Disposition orders entered by the Children’s Court shall continue in force for not more than six (6) months, unless they are extended in accordance with the provisions of RSTLOC 3-7-37.
  2. The Children’s Court may terminate a disposition order prior to its expiration if it appears to the Children’s Court, following a hearing conducted upon its own motion or the motion of any party, that the purposes of the disposition order have been accomplished.
  3. The Children’s Court shall enter an order terminating all disposition orders affecting the Wakanyeja, and discharging the Wakanyeja from any further obligations in connection with the truancy proceedings, upon a showing by the Wakanyeja that:
    1. at the end of the most recent school year, and following the Wakanyeja most recent unexcused absence, the Wakanyeja has accumulated sixty (60) days of regular school attendance without another unexcused absence;
    2. the Wakanyeja has graduated from high school; or
    3. the Wakanyeja has completed an alternative course of study resulting in the achievement of a high school diploma or the equivalent.
  4. All disposition orders affecting the Wakanyeja shall automatically terminate, and the Wakanyeja shall be discharged from any further obligations in connection with the truancy proceedings, when the Wakanyeja reaches eighteen (18) years of age.
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