The Court shall examine all persons appearing at the hearing on the Petition for adoption and satisfy himself from such examination, and such reports as he may have received, including recommendations, that the child is suitable for adoption and that the proposed adoptive parent is financially and morally qualified to provide the care and training of said child and that all the requirements by law have been met, including notices, and that the interests of the child will be promoted by the adoption.  If the Court so finds, he must enter Findings of Fact in writing and make an Order of Adoption, including a declaration that said child henceforth shall be the adopted child of the person petitioning for adoption and shall be regarded and treated in all respects as the natural child of such person.  Said Order shall also include the adoptive name, date of birth, sex, color, or race and place of birth of the adoptive child and the name, date of birth, citizenship, residence, race, birthplace, and occupation of the adoptive parent or parents.  Such child when adopted pursuant to this Chapter may take the family name of the adoptive parents.  After the approval of the adoption, the adoptive child and the adoptive parent shall maintain towards each other the legal relationship of parent and child and shall have such rights and responsibilities as are ordinarily present in such relationship. The natural parents of such adopted child are from the time of the adoption relieved of all parental responsibility in relationship to said child and shall have no rights with regard to said child except in case where a natural parent consents to the adoption of such child by the natural parent’s spouse and where the natural parent and the adoptive parent are maintaining a husband-wife relationship and the child is residing in the same home.

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