Article II - Membership
Section 1.
Membership of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe shall consist as follows:
- All persons of Indian blood, including persons born since December 31, 1920, who[se] names appear on the official census roll of the Tribe as of April 1, 1935.
- All persons born after April 1, 1935, and prior to the effective date of this amendment, to any member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe who was a resident of the reservation at the time of the birth of said persons. (Amendment V effective May 2, 1966)
- All persons that can provide three (3) generation of lineal descent born after April 1, 1935, to a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, regardless of the residence of the parent. (Amendment C effective September 20, 2007 – vote 508 for; 281 against; 17 ballots spoiled or mutilated)
Section 2.
The Tribal Council shall have the power to promulgate ordinances covering future membership and the adoption of new members. (Amendment XVI effective September 23, 1985)
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